Learn more about the M A D E R OxX®-Therapie

The M A D E R OxX® method is a "Client Centered Based" body-reflexology that is carried out with moderate pressure. M A D E R OxX® appeals to everyone, whether young, old, healthy or ill. M A D E R OxX® clients who receive this moderate pressure therapy benefit from many positive properties.

  • M A D E R OxX® - Testings
  • M A D E R OxX® - A Moderate Pressure Therapy
  • M A D E R OxX® - Against Sleep Disorders
  • M A D E R OxX® - For Mental Health
  • M A D E R OxX® - Develops the Positive Properties of Touch Without Direct Body Contact
  • M A D E R OxX®- In Palliative Care
  • M A D E R OxX® - To Promote Interoception by Stimulating the CT Afferents

Testings on persons of the age between 20 and 80 years showed the following results

  • lowered stress feelings and a noticeable increased well-being
  • blood pressure and pulse were mostly lower or properly after the treatment
  • test-persons with pains noted a pain reduction after the treatment
  • 75% felt the treatment as very soothing and pleasant and 25% as soothing and pleasant
  • 80% felt a deeper and soothing breath
  • 90% felt a risen self-awareness and would definitively recommend the method
  • 75% felt the wooden treatment-device as very pleasant and 25% as pleasant

"In my life, I am often rushed and have intense muscles pain.
After a M A D E R OxX®-treatment, I feel satisfied, deeply relaxed and very light"
Bettina Grob, Luzern Switzerland

M A D E R OxX® - A Moderate Pressure Therapy

A large scaled study from the University of Miami Medical School attracted our attention. The study was published in 2014 and informed that moderate pressure therapies – like the M A D E R OxX®-method is offering - has contributed to many positive effects such as increased weight gain in preterm infants, reduced pain caused by different syndromes including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and enhanced immune function (increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity). Moderate pressure therapies reduce depression, anxiety and have also led to increased vagal activity, decreased cortisol levels and decreased substance "P". Moderate pressure therapies were represented in several brain regions including the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the anterior cingulate cortex, all areas involved in stress and emotion regulation.

The study evaluation included the "Gate Control Theory". One of the pain therapy approaches on which the M A D E R OxX®-method is also based on. The mechanism that has been mostly used to explain “The Gate Control Theory” is thought to stimulate shorter and less myelinated (insulated) nerve fibers. As a result, the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) is produced. This in turn enables the so called "pain gate" to close.

Tests with the therapeutic method of M A D E R OxX® have shown, that subjects who had feelings of pain before the given therapy mostly noted a reduction in pain after the first treatment. Among many other positive feedbacks, test subjects also confirmed, that the breath deepens during treatment and with it a deep relaxation sets in. These are indicators that can naturally increase the GABA level as well. 

M A D E R OxX® - Against Sleep Disorders

According to USZ University Hospital Zurich, every fourth adult is affected by sleep disorders. This makes sleep disorders one of the most common health complaints (1). The USZ points out that regular sleep deprivation can be detrimental to health in the long term and increases the risk of numerous illness (depression, obesity, diabetes, etc.). Therefore, it is important to do something about it! Sleep researcher Hans-Günter Weess, head of the Interdisciplinary Sleep Center in the pfälzischen Klingenmünster, explains; that healthy sleep requires, among other things, a falling core body temperature (2). We achieve this by warming the surface of the skin for example by taking a warm shower before going to bed. Relaxation is also enormously important, says sleep researcher Christian Benedict from the Institute of Neuroscience at Uppsala University in Sweden. The M A D E R OxX® therapy is applied to the surface of the skin with warm wooden rollers and can influence the body core temperature positively. The therapie has an extremely relaxing and soothing effect due to the use of warmth and the rhythmic approach.

[1] https://www.usz.ch/krankheit/schlafstoerungen/  Abgerufen 25. Juli 2022
[1] Bericht vom 22. Juni 2022 https://www.rnd.de/wissen/besser-schlafen-diese-einfachen-massnahmen-empfehlen-schlafforscher-MGMSHHNA4GPVU5PXMUZEKMXFH4.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-de-DE  Abgerufen 25. Juli 2022

"During a M A D E R OxX® therapy, I can completely switch off my flow of stressing thoughts, because the therapy process with the warm wooden rollers has a very beneficial and extremely calming effect. If I receive a M A D E R OxX® therapy in the evening, I usually sleep deep and soundly afterwards".
F. Ulrich, Bellinzona

M A D E R OxX® - For Mental Health
Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected. Depressed individuals often have a greater right than left frontal lobe activity. A large scaled US study (published 2014) was able to prove, that after a short moderate pressure massage - just like M A D E R OxX® offers - the frontal lobe activity shifted from right to left.
UNHCR’s annual Global Trends Report – released on 19 June 2019 – shows that nearly 70.8 million people were displaced at the end of 2018. The armed conflicts all over the world not only leave mental health problems for the people affected, but is also traumatizing entire generations. As those issues are often left untreated, mental stress associated with war trauma can have serious repercussions on a whole society. M A D E R OxX® test subjects who showed a high level of stress or had mentioned a high level depressed mood confirmed that their well-being improved significantly after the first treatment and that their sense of stress was noticeably reduced.

M A D E R OxX® - Develops the Positive Properties of Touch Without Direct Body Contact

The M A D E R OxX® method stimulates the receptors which absorb stimuli over the skin and through the moderate pressure stimulation the production of Oxytocin in the Hippocampus can be promoted. Oxytocin is a touch hormone which amongst other things reduces fear. Bonn scientists, together with colleagues of the German research center Heidelberg and the University of Chengdu (China), were able to document the anxiolytic effect. M A D E R OxX® test subjects report a noticeably higher level of well-being after the treatment.

(Source: Oxytocin Facilitates the Extinction of Conditioned Fear in Humans”, Biological Psychiatry 2014)

M A D E R OxX®- In Palliative Care

At the end of life, the unconscious becomes stronger and the conscious weaker. Traumatic events from the past can resurface. Those affected usually become restless and can present the nursing staff with challenges. As a licensed TIC M A D E R OxX® therapist, you know what to look out for and you have helpful tools that can be used when physical reactions emerge.

The M A D E R OxX® method was developed in such a way that it can also be carried out in a lateral position. If this is not possible even when lying on your side, the M A D E R OxX® method offers a special and very calming treatment for the front and the facial area. This was developed to support affected people in the palliative care setting. The mental stabilization and calming when working of the client, also relieves the nursing team. The M A D E R OxX® therapy in palliative care enables an exemplary "Person Centered Care" method. 

“It is important to emphasize, that not everyone who was traumatized in early childhood will experience PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), but unconscious flashbacks of a helplessness they felt at the time can occur when their consciousness is weakening. It is important that we know how to calm those affected down and accompany them carefully»

Deborah Grassman is a US Registered Mental Health Nurse. During her 30-year career, she was the director from the VA-Hospiz in Tampa. She herself accompanied more than over 10,000 dying soldiers. Deborah Grassman is best known for recognizing the unique needs of people with traumatic backgrounds, approaching the end of life. The developer of the M A D E R OxX® therapy, Sandra Ulrich, was trained by Deborah Grassman and incorporated this acquired knowledge into the new M A D E R OxX® full body reflexology method.

"As a conclusion about the changes since the first M A D E R OxX® experience, I can say that I have learned to feel myself better. I think more often about what I experience and reflect more on how I feel about it and what makes me feel good. I try to recognize and accept feelings, because it's much nicer than taking myself out and experiencing everything only in cotton wool.... I pay more and more attention to the signs of my body and I also manage to follow my intuition better and better."
Annkathrin T., Central Switzerland

M A D E R OxX® - To Promote Interoception by Stimulating the CT Afferents

Studies have shown that moderate pressure therapy - such as the M A D E R OxX® therapy - can stimulate afferents that are responsible for interoception. The so-called CT afferents react "specifically to very gentle and slow touching of the skin," confirms Michael Eggart, health scientist at Ravensburg-Weingarten University. The CT afferents effectively activate specific areas of the insular cortex, the brain structure that processes signals from inside the body (top-down modulation). It is conceivable that the gentle touch normalizes the function of the insula and thus also the processing of interoceptive stimuli, even though touch is actually considered to be an external stimulus. Stimulating the C-tactile afferents elicits a pleasurable sensation that is very stable over a long period of time. That is why it is very important, especially for older people, to have adequate interoception. Early internal perception of disease symptoms can be important. A lack of interoception in older people can also fail to respond to the body's needs for health problems and z. B. lead to dehydration.

- Der Einfluss olfaktorischer Reize auf C-taktil vermittelte Berührungsempfindung. Prof. Dr. Ilona Croy, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, publiziert 2014.
- Interozeption und Gesundheit: Ansätze zur Veränderung interozeptiver Prozesse im präventiven und therapeutischen Kontext. Dana Schultchen (geb. Fischer) aus München. Dissertation Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Psychologie der Universität Ulm, publiziert 2020
- Signale aus dem Körperinneren. Spektrum.de. Sept. 2021