M A D E R OxX®- News
Stay tuned here!

We wish you
a good start into
a healthy and successful year!

Advanced notice: M A D E R OxX® 1-day retreat in June 2023
in the sunny Ticino and with guest speaker Chantal Desbiolles!

Mark in your calendar: June 3, 2023 - more coming up soon here...

We are proud to announce our new Level A1 graduats October 2022!
Claudia Britt and Christine Hohl it was a pleasure to meet you and share great moments together. Looking foreward to the next steps ahead ;)

Summer 2022
Thank you for your visit Monika Hanslemann und Madleine Drosg here in Bellinzona!

Our fall course 2021/22 ended today.
A very warm welcome into the M A D E R OxX® family!

Dear Carolin and dear Michelle,
congratulations – you successfully completed the course to become
a licensed TIC M A D E R OxX® therapist. You did an excellent job!


We wish you and your beloved ones Merry Christmas!

Project Update
The project at the retirement home "Frauensteinmatt" is becoming an affair of the heart. What a great effort - the team is highly motivated!

Posted Dezember 2021

Happy Thanksgiving 2021 to you and your family!

Another Great Project Starting In the Italian Part of Switzerland

Dear Daniela, we wish you much happiness and success by the implementation of this great project with heart!

Our Social Responsibility

We are proud to announce our participation to this social engament that startet today October 18th 2021!


M A D E R OxX® participates and publishes the logo on our channels!

ICR World Reflexology Week WRW from September 20, 2021 to September 26, 2021. We are a worldwide «family»! 

Our participation in Nadine Knecht's master's thesis

The test weekend with Nadine was a lot of fun! Everything was well organized and 12 interested test subjects from different age groups were present. Sven Nicolay from the University of Basel took impressive photos with the thermal imaging camera. All subjects were photographed before and after the M A D E R OxX® therapy and 15 minutes after the treatment. All people gave saliva tests before and after treatment and answered many questions. We wish Nadine a lot of perseverance and we look forward to the evaluations! 

The NPO MENTAL HEALTH Switzerland is organizing a live webinar on the subject of TIC "Trauma Informed Care" in cooperation with RFM GmbH
(main agency M A D E R OxX®).

Find out why the TIC "Trauma Informed Care" is becoming more and more important in care support and therapy.

Nadine Knecht at the BFH (Bern University of Applied Sciences) will write a master's thesis in collaboration with the University of Basel. Her study work will also include the M A D E R OxX® therapy. We are extremely happy about it and wish you, dear Nadine, lots of power and joy in your hard work! 

Nadine's topic:
Can changes in healthy people be measured using vital signs, infrared thermography and salivary cortisol through a rhythmic massage and M A D E R OxX therapy?

Lateral position and facial treatment
Last Saturday 22nd May 2021 we had our first course for the lateral position and facial treatment. We are very proud to present our first successful graduates Level A2.
Sincere congratulations to all of you!

Photosession RAA - Congress April 2021

A very successful RAA conference has ended. Many new and interesting information from various and famous reflexology specialists have been given to the attendees. There were around 200 participants attending this virtual event. M A D E R OxX® proudly supported this RAA congress as Gold-Partner.

Our first trailer in Italian

We have our trailer spoken in Italien - thank you Daniela (Loosli) for your great support!

We're so proud!

Thank you Monika Hanselmann for this amazing article you wrote about the M A D E R OxX®-therapy and that was published in the latest annual manual from SVRT the Reflexology Association Switzerland. You make us very proud and keep us going! Thank you!


We're very proud to support the upcoming RAA Reflexology Association of America Congress 2021!

We're expanding!
Are you a qualified therapist in the field of reflexology (with diploma) and are you approved under the law of the USA?  Do you work with patients that suffer  anxiety disorder, chronic pain, depression and burn out? Are you interested in being a part of our team? If yes, contact us - we're looking for you!

Due to Corona we had a small and very fine group. Beatrix Hasler, Patricia Steingrunber and Kathrin Bossard successfully completed their three-day training on February 27, 2021. We are very proud!

Thank you!
Our first refresher course this year was held in the praxis from Barara Glukler in Zurich. Thank you for your warm hospitality.

Congratulation Daniela - thank you very much for your commitment!

We would like to thank Daniela Loosli very much for her extraordinary contribution in 2020 for the M A D E R OxX®-therapy. Daniela is approved complementary therapist in ortho-bionomy and reflexology and qualified nurse with postgraduate studies. Her beautiful practice "MyPhilos" is located in Tremona in the sunny italien part of Switzerland. www.myphilos.ch 

  • "M A D E R OxX® is a very beneficial addition to my range of therapies for reflexology and ortho-bionomy. The method gives my clients the opportunity to experience their body from head to toe in absolute peace and to leave everyday stress behind. After the treatment sleep and digestion are well optimized and pain usually relieved"
  • "Con il metodo M A D E R OxX® si ottiene un rilassamento fisico generale, permettendo alla persona di percepire meglio il suo corpo e lasciare alle spalle lo stress, l’ansia e le paure. M A D E R OxX® incentiva un sonno più riposante, sostiene la digestione e allevia i dolori"
            Daniela Loosli

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