Babys vor geboren vor der 37. Schwangerschaftswoche gelten als verfrüht und werden gelegentlich als "Frühchen" bezeichnet. Frühgeborene haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für Komplikationen. Ihre kleinen Körper haben noch unterentwickelte Körperorgane, wie beispielswiese die Lunge, das Verdauungssystem, das Immunsystem und die Haut.

Der Tastsinn beginnt sich bereits in der 7. bis 8. Schwangerschaftswoche zu entwickeln. Ab der 11 Woche, beginnt das Baby winzige Bewegungen im Mutterleib zu machen. Diese Bewegungen markieren die ersten Erkundungen des Babys. Das Baby fühlt die Umwels und seinen eigenen Körper. Das Baby wird mit sehr empfindlicher Haut geboren. Einige Bereiche des Körpers sind besonders berührungsempfindlich, einschließlich Mund, Wangen, Gesicht, Hände und Bauch und die Fußsohlen. Berührung beispielsweise durch Massage bietet vitalen Kontakt und verbessert die langfristig Bindung und die emotionale Belastbarkeit. 
(American Pregnancy Association - Care For The Premature Baby)(Center Medical Advisory Board 2018)

Babies born before the 37th week of gestation are considered premature and are sometimes referred to as “preemies”. Mothers whose babies are born prematurely are often scared and nervous.

Premature newborns have an increased risk of complications. Their little bodies still have underdeveloped parts that include the lungs, digestive system, immune system, and skin. The sense of touch begins to develop as early as 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. By 11 weeks, the baby begins to make tiny movements in the mothers womb. These movements mark the baby's first explorations as she or he feels her/his environment and her/his own body. The baby is born with highly sensitive skin. Some of the areas of the body are particularly sensitive to touch including mouth, cheeks, face, hands, and abdomen, and the soles of the feets. Massage provides vital contact and improves long-term attachment and emotional resilience.

(American Pregnancy Association - Care For The Premature Baby)(Center Medical Advisory Board 2018)

Affected also might be:
- Cancer Survivor.
- 3 out of 4 refugees suffer from PTSD.
- Veterans and their families
- Nurses increasingly encounter "Kriegskindern des zweiten Weltkrieges" which now are seniors.
- Operational troops all over the world. i.e. Germany has 3'200 soldiers which are in various conflict regions today, some of them come back traumatized.
- Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Emergency Personnel on duty - world wide - who repeatedly are confronted with details of traumatic events.
- Survivors of environmental disasters and terror.
- Victims of mental and physical violences.
(Statistika Stand 8. Juli 2019. Tagesschau 28.01.2019; (Nursing Sciences at the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany)(UNHCR Refugee Agency 2019)

Physiological Effects of Nature Therapy: A Review of the Research in Japan 2016

Tactile Stimulation Experiment: The results showed that temperature conditions have a sizable effect on blood pressure. It increases if contact is made with artificial materials, such as metals and acrylic, whereas contact with wood does not cause physiological stress, which manifests itself in the form of blood pressure increase, regardless of its temperature. This was true whether tested at room or lower temperature, thereby showing the superiority of nature-derived wood as a material. The overal conclusion: Considering the significance of quality of life in our modern stressful society, the importance of nature therapy will further increase. The therapeutic effects of natural stimulation suggest a simple, accessible, and cost-effective method to improve the quality of life and health of modern people. Moreover, the elucidation of these physiological effects from the viewpoint of EBM is an important task for the future.

Further study is needed to elucidate the physiological effects of wood on humans. The project with M A D E R OxX® will focus on research with a therapeutic outcome and supports this recommanded study advice.

(US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health 2016)(Journal of Wood Science 2017)

From birth to death
Disadvantages in health, education, employment and earning, start early, reinforce each other and accumulate over the life course. Men and women in poor health work less, earn less and retire earlier. Early retirement is also affected by opportunities for life-long learning, labour market conditions and the design of pensions systems. The great diversity in the capacities and health needs of older people, resulting from events throughout the life-course that can often be modified, underscore the importance of a life-course approach to the social determinants of health.
(WHO 2019: Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030)

M A D E R OxX® is a client center based systematic form of wood touch that is either applied to the skin or through clothing. If fear of body touch is an issue (i.e. after trauma), it allows a careful therapy for anxiety-relieving. The therapy can be used independently or in conjunction with other treatments and is a complementary therapy that is not a replacement for conventional medicine. The M A D E R OxX® offers a treatment to support the client’s needs by his physical, psychological, social and emotional consequences (Total Pain). The M A D E R OxX® promotes a greater sense of connection between the mind and body complexes.

A recent study outcome underlines that a moderate pressure massage has increased weight gain in preterm infants, reduced pain in different syndromes including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and improved immune function (increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity). When moderate and light pressure massage have been compared, moderate pressure massage reduced depression, anxiety and heart rate, altered EEG patterns and increased vagal activity, as in a relaxation response. Increased vagal activity has also been associated with decreased cortisol following massage. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data have suggested that moderate pressure massage was represented in several brain regions including the amygdala, the hypothalamus and the anterior cingulate cortex, all areas involved in stress and emotion regulation (self-awareness).  (Massage Therapy Research Review by Tiffany Field, PhD; US National Library of Medicine 2014/17 )

A wood Therapy for Therapeutic Purposes

Wood therapy has been practiced for centuries in the oriental countries where therapists used wood mostly for therapeutic purposes. In the 90s, a therapist in Colombia developed a different wood therapy method and adapted it to cater to aesthetic purposes. "Madero" became a worldwide synonym for "wood therapy" in the aesthetic business only.

M A D E R OxX® - Finds Its Way Back To Its Origin
M A D E R OxX® offers a client center based therapy and is specifically designed for therapeutic purposes to mainly foster self-awareness and support mental health. Our specialists located in Switzerland have developed a new therapeutic technique and re-designed the wood tools for a new therapeutic therapy experience.

M A D E R OxX® is a client center based systematic therapeutic method that is either applied directly on the skin or by wearing clothing. If fear of body contact is an issue (i.e. after trauma), it allows a mindful therapy for relieving anxieties. The therapy can be used independently or in conjunction with other treatments. It is a complementary therapy and does not replace conventional medicine. M A D E R OxX® offers a treatment to support the client’s needs with its physical, psychological, social and emotional consequences. M A D E R OxX® promotes a greater sense of connection between the mind and body complexes.

* Palliative Care

Palliative care is the active, total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Palliative care takes a holistic approach, addressing physical, psychosocial and spiritual care, including the treatment of pain and other symptoms. Palliative care is interdisciplinary in its approach and encompasses the care of the patient and their family and should be available in any location including hospital, hospice and community. Palliative care affirms life and regards dying as a normal process; it neither hastens nor postpones death and sets out to preserve the best possible quality of life until death. The World Health Organization definition of palliative care and palliative care for children can be found here. More detailed information on palliative care can be found in the EAPC White Paper on Standards and Norms for Hospice and Palliative Care.

** Total Pain

The internationally accepted definition of pain is: An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (International Association of the Study of Pain (IASP) 1973). This definition makes two specific points. Firstly, the pain experience is an inherently subjective one. It can only be described accurately by the person experiencing it, and sometimes not even by them. Secondly, pain is not just a physical experience. The relationship between physical tissue damage and patient experience of pain is highly complex. Long gone are the days when pain was described as in a purely linear relationship with nociceptive input. With our understanding of the complex integration of these inputs with cortical networks, and supraspinal modulation of pain through descending pathways, even suggestions of pain as either mental or physical are a thing of the past. Cicely Saunders in the 1960s saw a broader view than the IASP definition, acknowledging the impact of spiritual and psychosocial aspects on the pain experience, coining the term ‘Total Pain’. Pain is experienced as an overall feeling state with multiple layers of meaning.
(Total Pain in Children with Severe Neurological Impairment by Timothy A. Warlow and Richard D.W. Hain. Received: 28 November 2017; Accepted: 12 January 2018; Published: 18 January 2018. Children 2018, 5, 13;

*** Client Center Based Therapy

Sixty years ago, psychologist Carl Rogers introduced a new approach to psychotherapy that ran contrary to the theories dominant at the time. His method, client-centered therapy, still offers a contrast to most approaches to therapy today, says the January issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter. Client-centered therapists rarely ask questions, make diagnoses, provide interpretations or advice, offer reassurance or blame, agree or disagree with clients, or point out contradictions. Instead, they let clients tell their own stories, using the therapeutic relationship in their own way. In client-centered therapy, the therapist listens without trying to provide solutions. The therapist must create an atmosphere in which clients can communicate their feelings with certainty that they are being understood rather than judged, says the Harvard Mental Health Letter. This permissive indirect approach makes clients more aware of aspects of themselves that they have been denying. The aim is to free clients of the sense that they are under the influence of forces beyond their control.

(Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School 2006)